Defence Web Database Search Engine

Engagement Details

Primary Operations: India

Associated since: 2019

Service Type: Consulting

Service Model: 
Managed Services

Status: Completed

Methodology: Waterfall

Scope/Challenges/Key objectives

Business Case:

Organization wants to build a solution that can cater the search facility for PAN Indian organization personnel to get information available in naval websites through search engine and dashboard to provide role-based reports to the top-level officials providing critical information for decision making. Should be able to gather data periodically from websites, data systems, documents and translate them to presentable format.


  • Unavailability of single information desk.
  • Lack of expertise to find information from mass of data.
  • Any query to be generated is to be hardcoded.
  • No readily available solution to read scanned documents.
  • Lack for structured data.
  • Security for data access for different groups of users.
  • Lack of analytical dashboards for decision making.
Solution, Technical Environment, Benefits

Solution / Project Engagement:

  • Developed application with search engine capability.
  • Developed the solution which crawls the data from defense domain websites and database and make them searchable at a single platform.
  • Implemented optical character recognition (OCR) technique to read the scanned document.
  • Built multiple analytical dashboards to take decisions.
  • Integrated the solution with 4 different AD’s to provide the security for data access on search engine.


Technical Environment:

  • Base SAS VA, SAS text exploratory analytics, Java OCR

Many analytical dashboards

Automated junk data cleaning

Integration of data across modules

Single web for all information

Insights from unstructured data

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